Archive for 'Year In Review'

Best of 2024

As we hurtle towards oblivion from every possible angle… how about I numerically rate the records I like, for your entertainment? Does that help?? Even as I playfully mock this yearly self-indulgence (in hopes that acknowledging the silliness of this exercise grants me permission to continue with some sort of self-respect intact), I have to say, writing this website-turned-newsletter (but-still-also-very-much-a-website) brings me a lot of joy. Music is my favorite thing, and while the act of blogging, or really doing anything online, can often feel like you’re transmitting directly into your own navel, I have felt more connected than ever via Yellow Green Red to whoever might be reading it. All your emails, comments, notes, re-grams, charitable in-person comments, Substack recommendations (and even Substack donations!), whatever, they all mean a lot to me, even if I still find the act of responding to warm, friendly praise to be difficult and uncomfortable. If you dig it, please, tell a friend, and tell me about the thing you’re doing, too!

Speaking of things other people are doing, I’d like to strongly recommend John’s Music Blog, an email newsletter written by John Chiaverina I discovered this year. He writes with such an obvious passion for underground music, completely ambivalent to trends yet not unaware of them. Most importantly, I’ve discovered so much good stuff from his newsletter, which also makes me routinely chuckle. I never checked out his music project Juiceboxxx back in the day (certain project names just give me an immediate “no thanks, I’m good”, and I’m sure he’d be the first to understand), but maybe I should? Truly, if you enjoy Yellow Green Red at all, I can only assume you’ll enjoy John’s Music Blog a whole hell of a lot too. I’d also like to recommend the fantastic zine newsletter written by underground rock-lifer Jay Hinman, Fanzine Hemorrhage, which made my 2024 significantly brighter. You probably know him from any of his multitude of writing projects: the Superdope zine back in the ’90s, the Agony Shorthang blog from the ’00s, or most recently, his Dynamite Hemorrhage zine and radio show. I really appreciate his perspective, and I think it shines best with Fanzine Hemorrhage, his extended exercise in reviewing old zines. Kind of a funny concept, but he really digs in deep and dissects the underground culture with a reverent yet critical eye that I find deeply entertaining. I don’t want to smudge my thumbs with newsprint, nor do I have any interest in straining my already-weak eyes at the 6-point fonts favored by amphetamine-fueled teenage editors back in 1978, so I thank him for his service. I subscribe to a bunch of newsletters, and buy zines here and there, but John’s Music Blog and Fanzine Hemorrhage receive my highest recommendation.

Now, getting back to me… my band Pissed Jeans released our sixth album this year, Half Divorced. (I know, John is probably thinking “you’re telling me you’re too good for ‘Juiceboxxx’ yet your band is called ‘Pissed Jeans’?” and he’d have a very valid point.) If you haven’t checked it out, that’s alright, I understand, but I’m kindly asking you to please give it a listen wherever you like to consume your digital music free-of-charge. I’m super proud of it, and while every album, big or small, gets lost in today’s cavalcade of new releases, I hope some of y’all will care to pull it up and give it a listen. Or really knock me off my chair and actually buy a copy! I can’t help but think about that one news article from a few weeks back that said more new music is released in a single day in 2024 than in the entire year of 1989. A wild stat, but ‘releasing’ music has never been easier, which is great for those without the financial means for a traditional 1989-styled record release, even if it means there is more being produced than any one person can conceivably check out in a lifetime, let alone a year. That’s why I am suspicious of so many indie year-end lists still looking pretty damn similar to each other! If a list doesn’t have at least a handful of things I haven’t even heard of in 2024, there’s a good chance it’s more beholden to some proprietary algorithm than the writer’s own curious sense of adventure, you know?

That’s one thing that’s been on my mind, even after I did a ton of talking this year! It was mostly Pissed Jeans-related, but some personal highlights include:

– a long overdue chat with Damian Abraham on his Turned Out A Punk podcast

– a vibrant discussion with the wonderful poet Niina Pollari for The Creative Independent

– an appearance on Vish Khanna’s Kreative Kontrol podcast

– an episode of the Birthday Cake For Breakfast podcast

– book chat on the wonderful Reading Writers podcast with Charlotte Shane and Jo Livingstone

– an interview with Larry Fitzmaurice for his Last Donut Of The Night newsletter

– a mostly downtempo/outsider-y mix I put together for the Health Connection crew

Whew! I should probably shut up for all of 2025, but that already seems unlikely. Onward to my lists, though I want to mention that there were so many fantastic albums this year that narrowing it down (in this formal ranking, no less) was extra onerous. Conversely, I noticed a whole lot less happening in the world of singles, both punk and electronic and whatever else fits outside those designations. Many of my favorite singles this time around consist of little more than a YouTube link or a Bandcamp download, but that’s the reality of the world now, and I’m not about to withhold something from my best-of list just because it wasn’t granted an appealing format. Still, it’s wild to me that there’s only one punk seven-inch in my top twenty! The format is clearly dying off at an alarming rate, and I assume it’s a matter of economics, seeing as no one actually needs to buy a record to hear its songs anymore, and as prices continue to rise, I’m sure it feels awkward (and fruitless) to ask for (or pay) like fifteen bucks for a seven-inch, or twenty-plus for a twelve-inch single; and yet, the domestic thirty-dollar LP is now established as the low-end norm, even for punk records. Speaking of LPs, if you missed it, earlier this year I released The Burgundy Daughns on vinyl, a collection of rare, previously-digital Daughn Gibson material from the last few years. It sold out in two weeks, but I was afraid of sitting on boxes of ’em if I pressed much more, so I’m sorry if you missed it and wanted one. Hopefully it just means more Daughn records to come. Alright, Happy New Year everyone, see you on the other side…

Top Singles of 2024
1. Safe Mind 6’ Pole MP3
2. TisaKorean bEat uP dAt bOy MP3
3. Zillas On Acid Mars Hum EP 12″ 
4. Mikey Thrythm MP3
5. Marie Davidson Y.A.A.M. 12″
6. Artificial Go Hopscotch Fever 12″
7. Toribio Bring Dat Jazz 12″ 
8. Personal Damage Violent Ritual 7″
9. Carrier In Spectra 12″
10. Yambag Mindfuck Ultra 12″
11. 1900Rugrat Clean & Dirty MP3
12. ESP Promise MP3s
13. DJ Rat Nocturne 12″
14. Shed Applications 12″
15. Public Acid Deadly Struggle 12″
16. Her New Knife Chrome Is Lullaby CD-EP
17. Kite Losing / Glassy Eyes 7″
18. Michele Ottini Acqua Alla Gola 7″
19. Ciel & CCL Tilda’s Goat Stare 12″
20. Demdike Stare x Dolo Percussion Dolo DS 12″

Honorable Mention:
Zero Key Zero Key 12″
Alien Nosejob The Executioner / West Side Story 7″
Burial / Kode9 Phoneglow / Eyes Go Blank 12″
Extortion Threats 7″
Fake Last Name Three Persuasion Domains 7″

Top Albums of 2024
1. Disintegration Shiver In A Weak Light
2. Straw Man Army Earthworks
4. The Minneapolis Uranium Club Infants Under The Bulb
5. Anadol & Marie Klock La Grande Accumulation
6. Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew MAY
7. The Dark Sinking Into Madness
8. Shop Regulars Shop Regulars
9. Persher Sleep Well
10. B L A C K I E Noise God
11. Ulla & Ultrafog It Means A Lot
12. B. Rupp Pop Music
13. Jay Glass Dubs Resurgence
14. Mordecai Seeds From The Furthest Vine
15. Norms 100% Hazaárulás
16. K. Freund Trash Can Lamb
17. Morgan Garrett Purity
18. Tim Koh & Sun An Salt And Sugar Look The Same
19. Holy Tongue Meets Shackleton The Tumbling Psychic Joy Of Now
20. Moin You Never End

Honorable Mention:
Uniform American Standard
The Sheaves A Salve For Institution
Astrid Sonne Great Doubt
Maria Bertel & Nina Garcia Knækket Smil
Knowso Pulsating Gore

Safe Mind 6′ Pole (no label)
Top single of the year was a no-brainer for me, as “6′ Pole” was easily my most-played track of 2024. It’s not only the best track from the new duo Safe Mind, it’s their only publicly-available track, and I am absolutely dying for more (and the inevitable vinyl release – come on now, stop playing). Safe Mind is Augustus Muller of Boy Harsher on the beats and programming and Cooper B. Handy (AKA Lucy) on vocals, and “6′ Pole” combines the best of their respective worlds: Muller’s perfectly layered, never-overstuffed synths slide out of Boy Harsher’s goth basement and into the main club room and Handy’s unique use of the English language (in both the way the lyrics are written on paper as well as how they are pronounced out loud) pushes it over into a bullseye ear-worm whose joy has not lessened in the months since I first heard it. Through a deep Lucy discography, Handy has proven his ability to rap-sing over anything – the Titanic soundtrack, a TV commercial jingle, a malfunctioning MPC, whatever – and Muller lays it out for him perfectly, a vibrant, house-y bass-line with dance-pop drum programming, an uncommonly chime-y synth hook and even some occasional guitar licks as the cherry on top. Or are those record-scratch sound effects the cherry and the guitar is the whipped cream?? Either way, this song is so much fun, like The Rapture combined with Kid N’ Play via Not Not Fun Records appearing live at The Haçienda on December 31st, 1999. Knowing how Boy Harsher does it, I can only assume they’re eventually going to roll out like eight different ‘vinyl variants’ for Safe Mind and I might be stupid enough to buy more than one, if only to give my extra to a friend who hasn’t heard it yet.

Disintegration Shiver In A Weak Light (Feel It)
Like I said, lots of great albums made it into my home over the last twelve months, and while this list is very much a snapshot taking in the particular moment I decided to jot it all down and tally it up, I feel confident in saying that Disintegration’s debut full-length Shiver In A Weak Light gets my top honor this year. Yes, Straw Man Army are incredible, The Dark are on another level, I’ve got the BASIC album on repeat and that Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew set blew my mind, but Disintegration have satisfied all my listening needs, from the rough to the smooth. They’re experimental: their fusion of synths, programming and guitars is unusually muscular and gritty, and their songs aren’t beholden to typical pop structuring (though they’re not actively against it, either) nor are they averse to various forms of noise. They’re pop: “Pioneer” and “Messages” are huge, with hooks bred to entertain stadiums of idiots but cursed to whip stylish bar crowds into a frenzy. “Shot By Both Sides” combines gross Lords Of Acid-style squelching with the emotional grip of vocalist Haley Himiko, but “Hideaway” is the single to end all singles, stomping in like an electro Gary Glitter before flipping dimensions into some high-gloss amalgam of Xeno & Oaklander and Modern English. You couldn’t fit its massive hook in a freight elevator, and then someone drops a wretchedly distorted guitar solo in the mix, which somehow fits! It’s like Disintegration are making synth-pop with an entirely different set of stylistic references than the rest of the pack, giving me visions of La Roux joining Front 242 for their own Mortal Kombat soundtrack, only it was actually released on Coil’s Eskaton label… and went platinum. Year after year, I swear I’m not trying to be a Feel It mark, but my annoying neighborhood nemesis could’ve released Shiver In A Weak Light and I’d have no choice but to sing its praises all the same. I had to miss Distintegration’s Philly show earlier this month, and barring any life-threatening circumstances I won’t make that same mistake twice.

Best of 2023

I’ll tell you what the worst of 2023 is, far and away: the goddamn United States empire and its endless funding for war, murder and genocide. Never felt sicker to my stomach about my home country than I do right now, the only silver lining being that it seems that more and more people are seeing the United States and its various imperialist tentacles for what it all truly is. Get these bloodthirsty sociopaths off my planet, now and forever! That said, in an effort to momentarily set aside the heartbreaking, disgusting state of affairs within which we’re all expected to behave normally, please allow me to try to celebrate some of the high points of my musical year. You’ll find my trusty best-of lists below, but first, here are some other things that stood out and feel relevant to share:

– If you didn’t notice, Yellow Green Red is also now available on Substack via Same exact content as this domain, just through a different, more modern service that people seem to like, and delivered as email newsletter. I guess you can comment on there too, if you really wanna be that guy? I see no harm in signing up for it and checking this site, and telling all your friends to do the same.

– My band Pissed Jeans released a seven-inch single, No Convenient Apocalypse, on Sub Pop Records. It’s a merciless banger and I urge you to give it a listen, and even purchase if you feel so compelled.

– My project with living cultural icon Jo Livingstone, The Dolorous Stroke, released its debut two-track EP digitally on Bandcamp (where else?). You can check that out at if you’re curious.

– As far as movies go, Rotting In The Sun was my absolute favorite of the year. If you have a quota of naked penises you intended to see in 2023 and you’re far behind, this film should catch you up quickly.

– Rather than focus on any single live performance, I’d like to highlight the joy of watching familiar artists perform numerous times, actively following the evolution of their respective sounds and styles. I saw both Bill Nace and Carnivorous Bells numerous times in 2023, and each were joys to behold, every single time. Bill Nace collaborated with a wide variety of players, really honing in on the taishōgoto as his current realm of sonic exploration, whereas Carnivorous Bells tried out brand new material (off what will hopefully be their third full-length) and tightened up their hits, as precise as the watchmaking program drummer Leo Suarez is enrolled in. Excluding music performances entirely, watching Eileen Myles read from her newest book was transcendent, captivating and hilarious. Eileen has the timeless sex-god energy of Iggy Pop when they walk in the room, a natural-born charisma that we can only hope rubs off slightly on the rest of us.

– Generally not a reissue enthusiast over here, but I have to shout out two incredible records that I may have never heard in full had they not been dutifully pressed to wax in 2023: Mindecision by Мир, some of the most distinctive early hardcore I’ve heard in forever, and the self-titled Gee Gee Decorator album, the most WTF anti-talent funky no-wave nightmare on the planet (those holding original copies, please take my money).

– Do you subscribe to Matt Schnipper’s Deep Voices Substack? If not, you should. We have the same first name and have known each other since he invited my band to play a show in his school gym back in like 1999, and I am consistently impressed with his ability to articulate what good music does to him. If I can write like Schnipper on an off day, I’ll feel like I’ve succeeded.

– Al Usher’s “The Evenings” is my favorite song of 2023, just an endlessly-replayable adult-Balearic banger in the mode of Ann Steel, though my absolute favorite “new to me” song of the year is “Star Rider” by Hällas, found on their 2017 full-length debut Excerpts From A Future Past. A good friend told me that Hällas made him want to challenge himself to become an even stronger songwriter (his band opened for them recently), and he told me as we hung out together at Double Decker Records on its final day of existence, December 2nd, 2023. No single entity comes close to having shaped my musical identity as much as Double Decker, and I am nowhere near finished lamenting its loss, both the sick record scores that I snagged from there since age fifteen to the lifelong community of friendships and co-conspirators it’s responsible for forming.

If you’re reading this now, I thank you sincerely, and if you’ve ever reached out via an email or DM, sent in a record, or communicated in any other way (I’ve gotten real letters this year!), I thank you even more. I love writing about music, but it would be a whole lot less fun if no one was on the reading end. Emails are nice ( and Instagram DMs are cool (@mattkorvette)… hopefully I’ll just see you around in 2024.

Top Singles of 2023
1. Blawan Dismantled Into Juice 12”
2. Al Usher The Evenings / The Visitors 12”
3. Carrier Fathom 12″
4. Disintegration Time Moves For Me 12”
5. Chris Korda Not My Problem, I’ll Be Dead 12”
6. Waste Man Waste Man MP3s
7. An-i Rabble EP 12”
8. People’s Temple I’m With The People’s Temple 7”
9. Emptyset Ash 12”
10. Gruuel Elite Controller / Softness On The Other Side 7”
11. Haus Arana Dunkelheit Bleibt 7”
12. Beau Wanzer A Dead Person’s Monologue 12”
13. Drab Majesty An Object In Motion 12”
14. Peder Mannerfelt The Benefits Of Living In A Hole 12”
15. Bjarki Tears In Berghain 12”
16. Gruuel Nobody’s Daughter / Dust With Legs 7”
17. Rat-Nip My Pillow 7”
18. Body/Head Come On EP 2×7”
19. Civilistjävel! Fyra Platser 12”
20. Pretty Sneaky PS002 12″

Honorable Mention:
PLO Man Anonymousmaterial 12″
Secretors Comparing Missile Size Vol. 1 7″
Delco MF’s The March Of The MF’s 7”
Montel Palmer Südstadt 7”
Dubamine Cool & Relax 12”

Top Albums of 2023
1. Mary Jane Dunphe Stage Of Love
2. Equipment Pointed Ankh From Inside The House
3. Ssabæ Le Roi Est L’oiseau
4. Spiral Dub Spiral Dub
5. Lewsberg Out And About
6. Feeble Little Horse Girl With Fish
7. A.S.O. A.S.O.
8. Pmxper Pmxper
9. Water From Your Eyes Everyone’s Crushed
10. ConSec Wheel Of Pain
11. Quade Nacre
12. Carnivorous Bells Room Above All
13. Avalon Emerson & The Charm
14. Sweeping Promises Good Living Is Coming For You
15. Otto Willberg The Leisure Principle
16. XIII Permanent Rain
17. Bill Nace & Chik White Off Motion
18. R.M.F.C. Club Hits
19. Heavy Metal IV: Counter Electrode / Iron Mono
20. Sharp Pins Turtle Rock

Honorable Mention:
Graham Lambkin Aphorisms
Sam Gendel Blueblue
Leda Neuter
Fairytale Shooting Star
Burnt Envelope I’m Immature: The Singles Vol. II

Blawan Dismantled Into Juice (XL Recordings)
I dunno what to tell you… Blawan just keeps doing it, over and over and over again. Dismantled Into Juice is a dramatic reinvention, and yet it comes as no surprise that this is what a new Blawan record sounds like in 2023. He’s always had bigger, thicker chords and pads than anyone else – do they make illegal growth hormones for synths? – but on Dismantled Into Juice it sounds like the software has reached that sentient status we’ve all been fearing. Even without any clear 4/4 kick, there’s an incredible sense of motion to these songs, a sort of sweeping pull I’d associate with the ocean tides. It’s a wild accomplishment as is, this sort of re-structuring the DNA of techno rhythm, but Blawan turns these cuts into distorted pop songs too, complete with vocal hooks I suspect to not be entirely human. (Vocalist “Monstera Black” is credited, but they might be as real a person as one of those AI Sports Illustrated correspondents.) No one else appears to be on Blawan’s level, nor is anyone particularly trying, as it’s such an imposing and oily surface, a slip and fall guaranteed for anyone who doesn’t have Blawan’s supreme skills of balance and dexterity. Not sure how he’ll top this one, though I’m certain he somehow will.

Mary Jane Dunphe Stage Of Love (Pop Wig)
Mary Jane Dunphe’s solo debut was a work in progress for a while; I knew she was looking for a label, shopping around demo tracks and working on it when she could, dealing with life’s many unexpected hurdles all the while. I was not expecting Justice Tripp’s Pop Wig label to be the one to release it, but I’m certainly glad he did, as it’s a triumph! Dunphe is one of the most visceral live performers around, we all know that now, but Stage Of Love showcases her unique songwriting styles, big on hooks and weird, powerful lyrics, her commanding voice bursting at its seams. I suppose this is a synth-pop record if you had to file it somewhere, but her music is too complicated and messy to really fit neatly in any particular slot. Seems like the biggest cold-wave synth-poppers rely on vague, sad lyrics and typical aesthetic signifiers, whereas Stage Of Love bursts with a kaleidoscope of undiluted emotion, from heartbreak to joy and everywhere else. It’s her lack of easy classification that might explain why I don’t think I’ve seen Stage Of Love on any other year-end lists… I read someone say it sounds like Arthur Russell, which I don’t hear at all, but that’s how it goes when you’re doing something pure and unique – it’s not easily understood by the masses, and those who do enjoy it experience it differently. For my money, it’s like Kate Bush trapped in Twin Peaks, performing at a hybrid surprise-party / funeral wake, and yeah, it’s categorically my favorite album of 2023.